9 research outputs found

    Unit testing of AngularJS : A look into writing tests for web application

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    This task was assigned by Protacon Solutions Oy with the objective set to study and implement unit testing in AngularJS JavaScript framework as part of the development process of the customer’s application. The thesis focuses on studying the AngularJS framework and if and how its design philosophy complements the unit testing principles. The focus was on studying unit testing via developing unit tests iteratively onto the application created beforehand. The tests were created with Jasmine testing framework, a tool recommended by the AngularJS development team. Other testing frameworks were studied before the thesis, however Jasmine was chosen to be examined more closely. The thesis results in several unit tests created for the customer’s application, and knowledge was provided for the company about the unit testing of a modern JavaScript web application to be distributed among the co-workers in the company. In addition, the backbone for developing and expanding the unit tests for the application and other future applications developed with AngularJS was laid down. The tests were created with trial-and-error method, and best practices were recorded to be expanded upon, determined by the nature of the application and what was best suited for it.Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimi Protacon Solutions Oy. Tehtävänä oli tutkia ja kehittää yksikkötestejä AngularJS- sovelluskehyksellä kehitettyyn web-pohjaiseen asiakkaalle toteutettuun sovellukseen. Työ keskittyi AngularJS-sovelluskehyksen ominaisuuksien tutkimiseen ja miten niitä pystyi hyödyntämään sovelluksen yksikkötestejä kehitettäessä, ja kuinka AngularJS sovelluskehyksen rakenne tuki yksikkötestien suunnitelun teesejä. Testit kehitettiin käyttäen Jasmine-testaussovelluskehystä, mikä on AngularJS-kehittäjien suosittelema työkalu testien kehitykseen. Muita testaussovelluskehyksiä tutkittiin pikaisesti ennen työn aloittamista, mutta niistä päätettiin luopua ennen työtä. Tuloksena syntyi useita yksikkötestejä asiakkaan AngularJS-sovellukseen, ja osaamista ja tietotaitoa yritykselle yksikkötestien tekemisestä AngularJS-sovelluskehyksellä kehitettyyn sovellukseen. Tarkoituksena on jakaa tätä tietotaitoa eteenpäin. Lisäksi tuloksena oli pohjustus uusien testien tekemiseen ja vanhojen lisäkehitykselle asiakkaan sovelluksessa. Testit kehitettiin yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta, josta voi jatkaa parhaaksi todetuin menetelmin testien kehitystä. Testit suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin juuri kyseiseen sovellukseen sopiviksi

    Functional Oligomeric Forms of Uncoupling Protein 2: Strong Evidence for Asymmetry in Protein and Lipid Bilayer Systems.

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    Stoichiometry of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) and their coexistence as functional monomeric and associated forms in lipid membranes remain intriguing open questions. In this study, tertiary and quaternary structures of UCP2 were analyzed experimentally and through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. UCP2 was overexpressed in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli, then purified and reconstituted in lipid vesicles. Structure and proton transport function of UCP2 were characterized by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and fluorescence methods. Findings suggest a tetrameric functional form for UCP2. MD simulations conclude that tetrameric UCP2 is a dimer of dimers, is more stable than its monomeric and dimeric forms, is asymmetrical and induces asymmetry in the membrane\u27s lipid structure, and a biphasic on-off switch between the dimeric units is its possible mode of transport. MD simulations also show that the water density inside the UCP2 monomer is asymmetric, with the cytoplasmic side having a higher water density and a wider radius. In contrast, the structurally comparable adenosine 5\u27-diphosphate (ADP)/adenosine 5\u27-triphosphate (ATP) carrier (AAC1) did not form tetramers, implying that tetramerization cannot be generalized to all mitochondrial carriers

    Distributed Whiteboard

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    As the electronic whiteboards is getting more spread and more brands are created, the demands of a standard is growing. Still no standard is made for electronic whiteboards towards application programmers. This paper describes a framework to gain loose coupling and a standard to interact with electronic whiteboard events. It builds a framework follows a specific pattern to standardlize implementation in application. The electronic whiteboards are still very small units. A collection of whiteboards has to be handled due to many of those electronic whiteboards are somewhat small and several whiteboards should be able to act like one for the participants. Projection utilities is needed to hide those differences in manufacturers drivers or if there is no projection provided in those drivers. This paper also discusses the technical users, non technical users and student view of having a projected or un-projected whiteboards.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    Additional file 3: of Weak HIF-1alpha expression indicates poor prognosis in resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Table S2. Multivariate analysis for the contribution of clinical factors of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to mortality after controlling for other variables. Tested explanatory variables were nuclear HIF-1alpha score (weak and strong), age at the time of diagnosis (< 65 or ≥ 65 years), sex (male or female) and tumor stage (I, II or III-IV). (DOCX 14 kb

    Additional file 1: of Weak HIF-1alpha expression indicates poor prognosis in resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Figure S1. Positive and negative controls for HIF-1alpha staining. The HIF-1alpha staining pattern in ischemic colon sample is nuclear and shows an increase in intensity towards the surface in the mucosal epithelium (a.). PDAC sample with high nuclear HIF-1alpha intensity stained with CD3 antibody for negative control (b.). CD3 staining is located in the lymphocytes but not in the cancer cells. (TIF 5034 kb

    Tenascin C, fibronectin, and tumor-stroma ratio in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Abstract Objectives: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by abundant stroma with increased expression of tenascin C and fibronectin. Their role and tumor-stroma ratio in PDAC are not well known. The aim of this study was to evaluate tenascin C and fibronectin expression and tumor-stroma ratio and their prognostic relevance in PDAC. Methods: Ninety-five resected PDACs were immunohistochemically stained for tenascin C and fibronectin, and the expression was separately assessed in tumor bulk and front. Tumor-stroma ratio was determined with sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Results: Tenascin C and fibronectin were abundantly expressed in the stroma of PDAC, but absent in adjacent normal pancreatic tissue. Fibronectin expression of the bulk was associated with high T class (P = 0.045). In the main analysis, tenascin C and fibronectin expression and tumor-stroma ratio were not associated with patient survival. In a subgroup analysis of early-stage PDAC (T1–T2 tumors), high tenascin C expression in the tumor bulk was associated with poor prognosis (hazard ratio, 8.23; 95% confidence interval, 2.71–24.96). Conclusions: Tenascin C and fibronectin are abundantly expressed in PDAC, but they seem to have no major association with patient survival. However, in early-stage PDAC, tenascin C expression of the tumor bulk may have prognostic impact. Tumor-stroma ratio has no prognostic value in PDAC

    A preliminary insight into the role and importance of management skills in the prevention of occupational derailment: An exploratory analysis of UK and Spanish pharmacists

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    YesThe aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and importance of management skills in the pharmacy profession and pharmacists’ ability to respond to current and future challenges in healthcare provision. As service professionals, pharmacists are engaged based on their expertise and skills, and are noted for their contribution to the knowledge-based economy and control over the application of their knowledge (Abbott, 1991). The same premise would apply to other professionals e.g. healthcare (nurses, doctors and psychologists); legal (lawyers, solicitors and barristers); consultancy; accountancy; banking and architecture (von Nordenflycht, 2010). An exploratory analysis of UK and Spanish pharmacists’ roles and their adoption of management skills was thus undertaken. Both healthcare systems are very similar and likewise the clinical training and role of pharmacists, professional standards and regulations are similar but there are subtle differences. Data were collected using semi-structured online surveys; two thirds of the data were collected from a UK audience and the final third from Spanish pharmacists. The data collection was planned and iterative in the first two stages (stage one influencing stage two) (UK) and the final stage (Spain) offered an opportunistic comparator study. The results demonstrated that there was overwhelming support for management skills to be part of undergraduate studies. The outputs of this study identify the most important management skills pharmacists need to perform effectively. Consideration was also given to the impact of inability to perform in their role, and hence the possibility of occupational derailment (leaving their role or being demoted). These findings offer important learning to support workforce development in all professional services